Change Ringing

This project was a collaboration with Myles Dakan during our time together at the Recurse Center. Myles had already created an interesting Python app for Change Ringing - a way to produce music with bells by ringing them in a pattern-based sequence. For more information see this video and detailed... [Read More]

Linear Regression

Linear Regression is a web app inspired by my time working through Andrew Ng’s machine learning Coursera class. I wanted to help visualize some of the fundamental mathematical concepts that are the building blocks for machine learning and neural networks in a simplified way. The goal is to help users... [Read More]

Citbike Routing App

Do you use Citibike but find the mobile app terrible? Are you trying to awkwardly plan a bike route using google maps and then wondering where you can find or park your Citibike for the route? Do you find yourself wondering if theres a bike at your starting station, whether... [Read More]

Plants App

This Plants app is a learning exercise to play around with full stack web development using a MEAN stack with Angular 2 and the Angular 2 CLI. The app is relatively simple and mostly built around learning all of the components that make up this stack - Node.js, Express, Angular... [Read More]

NYC Bicycle Crash Map

NYC Bicycle Crash Map is an Android app to visualize motor vehicle crashes involving cyclists in New York City. This app is built using information provided by NYPD under the NYC Open Data Initiative. The goal is to show this data in a user friendly, familiar, and intuitive way so... [Read More]